Media Quotes and Reviews
Aiden Hibbs Station Manager 560 CHVO Country, Carbonear, NL.
Having spoken to Tony O'Leary many times about the planning, recording, and finally realizing the release of his latest CD, "Pump The Box," one thing is clear…Tony is passionate about this offering! He has a tremendous amount of pride in the CD and when you listen for the very first time you can clearly hear why. As I have listened now several times to each track, (and I am again as I write these words) I am struck by the quality of the production. To my ear it rivals anything on radio today for sound quality. Tony has chosen a great selection of traditional tunes that will have any Newfoundlander or fan of this music genre singing along or, almost subconsciously, tapping toes. Tony's original offerings, such as "Livin' In A Syncrude Eye," are reflective of the age and circumstance in which we now find our province and speak to the personal experiences and emotions that many of us have endured, embraced, and witnessed. "Pump The Box" is a CD for music lovers. It is rooted in our heritage and breathes life into our present cultural climate. Congratulations Tony…hope to hear more!